Before I close this week out, I have to definetly say that Wale's Attention Deficit has been the soundtrack of my WEEK, and probably will be for a while.
I listened to it walking to class, in the car, while I did homework, did my hair and even in my sleep! Wale's album opened my ears and made me pay attention to his message.
My favorite tracks on the album are "Shades" featuring Chrisette Michele, "Let It Loose" featuring Pharrell and "Diary" featuring Marsha Ambrosius.
Wale came harder than most people thought he would. I've been there since "Natural High" was released.
I love how he is putting D.C.'s go-go culture on the map and infusing it with hip-hop.
He is definetly not a an artist to sleep on.
If you haven't got the Attention Deficit album yet, go get it. Tell your mom, sister, brother, bf, bff or whomever to make it an early Christmas present!