
From NSU to JMU, two completely different environments, well sort of

Jules Braxton, my younger brother and co-founder of "Live Clean Stay Phresh," asked me to accompany he and his highschool graduation coach on a trip to James Madison University in Harrisonburg, VA.

I agreed to go and marked my calendar for the day that I would go the journey to help my 17 year old brother find a university to attend.

(Pictured Below: My younger brother Jules and Me)
Both NSU and JMU are state funded institutions, but it was obvious that JMU recieved an amount of funding much larger than NSU, a public HBCU.

The campus was beautiful. It was donned by clean, manicured lawns, and a back-drop of mountains and a cool breeze. I tried to compare JMU to NSU but I did not know where to begin.

The environment was intimidating at first, since I come from a school where I can get anywhere in about ten minutes, but our tour guide John hit us with a slogan; "Big school, small school feel."

We toured only the east side of the JMU campus in about twenty minutes where we came across one of several campus libraries that had five floors.

NSU just broke ground on a new library, which will still be the only library available on campus. This was a major difference between NSU and JMU.

My brother was also more than happy to hear that JMU had eighteen dining facilities on campus, which is over four times a many as NSU.

JMU also had one thing that NSU lacks; diversity. At the end of the tour we went to a student organization fair where several organizations put on productions.

A few members of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. stepped for the diverse audience of visitors, and were followed by a Chinese organization that demonstrated a traditional lion dragon dance.

My brother loved everything about JMU including the appearance of their campus, state of the art facilities, and of course the food!

Aside from the cosmetic and diversity differences, I can say that JMU and NSU both know how to show school pride!

I had fun being surrounded by so many Unjaded Dreamers!

(Pictured above from l to r: Josh Jefferson and Jules Braxton)


  1. that is very true it is a beautiful school and yes i must admit NSU does lack diversity i do not think i have ever seen another ethnicity besides caucasians or african american students there. But the question is who to blame? or rather how do you make the university more compelling to students from diverse backgrounds?.. i think it is something that the student and the school should ponder about because diversity can only make the school better!.. think of the things that could change or how the school can improve (not saying its anything wrong with it)....

    s/n i applied for JMU got waitlisted lol its a great school tho!..

  2. Never been, but it might have been niced to me invited. just kidding. I have heard a lot about the campus and i heard there football program is decent! i like the idea that he will be able to study with a diverse group. that is was what sometimes lacks at HBCU's, because the real world is a rainbow of ppl.

  3. sounds fun,but i never been it must have beem a sight to see,love the blog by the way

  4. JMU sounds like a cool facility. I'm definitly going to have to make a vist there. The blog is looking good keep it up
